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Zeroing in on the Impact Zone in the Active Galaxy NGC 4945

Presentation #101.31 in the session AGN & Quasars — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Zeroing in on the Impact Zone in the Active Galaxy NGC 4945

The interplay between Active Galactic Nuclei (AGNs) and their host galaxies is of vital interest. While there is much evidence that AGN-driven galactic outflows can affect their host galaxies via feedback, we still don’t know what ultimately powers these outflows. We have therefore undertaken a study of nearby galaxies with strong AGN and strong outflows to determine the source of outflow power. In particular, what happens within the “impact zone” of an AGN out to 100s of pc where the central engine meets its galaxy may be a determining factor in how these outflows evolve, with or without a circumnuclear starburst. Here we report on Chandra and XMM observations of the Seyfert-starburst galaxy NGC 4945 to investigate how the ISM affects the shape, kinematics, and content of the outflow. Even though NGC 4945 does not possess a classical optical narrow line region that directly traces AGN power, it is still an excellent object for this study due to its proximity (D=3.7 Mpc) and the fact that the AGN is absorbed along the line-of-sight providing a clear view of extended X-ray emission in the outflow direction. We focus on a variety of emission lines that probe different gas temperatures to trace the AGN vs. starburst contributions to the extended emission, and report on the outflow properties.

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