Presentation #102.10 in the session Pulsars, Radio Transients, & Pulsar Wind Nebulae — iPoster Session.
Globular clusters are an excellent environment for the formation of millisecond pulsars because of their high stellar densities. Here, we detail the results of a search for pulsars in globular clusters, and present evidence for a strong pulsar candidate in the cluster Glimpse C01. Using images from the VLA Low-band Ionosphere and Transient Experiment (VLITE) centered at a frequency of 340 MHz, we identified promising sources located within the cluster radii. We referenced several radio sky surveys to further analyze the sources. After successfully identifying previously known pulsars in the globular cluster NGC 6624, we focused our efforts analyzing globular clusters without any previously known pulsars by using VLITE Commensal Sky Survey (VCSS) images for 90 clusters. When available we used deeper VLITE images to follow up, and for spectral index calculations we used a number of sky surveys such as VLASS, NVSS, RACS, SUMSS, GLEAM, and TGSS each operating over a central frequency of 3GHz, 1.4 GHz, 890 MHz, 850 MHz, 200 MHz, and 150 MHz, respectively. Within the cluster Glimpse C01, there is a particularly strong pulsar candidate with preliminary calculations indicating that the spectral index is approximately -2.7, which is within the expected range for pulsars. Detecting a pulsar located within this cluster is of amplified importance because the pulse period of the pulsar can validate the cluster age.