Presentation #104.10 in the session Type Ia Supernovae — iPoster Session.
It is well established that Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) are explosions of a C/O white dwarf in a binary system; however, the full nature of the progenitor system, including the nature of the secondary star, is still unclear. The explosion scenarios have evolved over time. Recent progenitor scenarios have divided up into near Chandrasekhar mass scenarios where the white dwarf accretes material from a companion; where the merger of a WD with the core of an evolved star; and sub Chandrasekhar mass scenarios where a sub-Chandrasekhar mass WD is detonated due to compression from the detonation of a low mass helium shell on its surface. Understanding the progenitor system of SNe Ia is of interest since they are important cosmological probes due to the fact that their luminosity is empirically related to the shape of the light curve. SNe Ia have been subdivided into four Branch groups core-normal (CN), shallow silicon (SS), broad lines (BL), and cools (CL) based upon the pseudo-equivalent widths (pEWs) of the Si II λ5972 and λ6355 lines in their spectra near maximum light. Recent work with larger samples have shown these groups to be statistically robust and are potentially related to differences in the progenitor systems and/or explosion mechanism. We present analysis of SN 2019ein, an 02bo-like or BL SN Ia. Previous work pointed out that the velocities of the Si II λ6355 line reached 25,000 km s-1 and that the emission peaks of the P-Cygni profiles were blueshifted by up to 10,000 km s-1. Our further analysis with SYNOW compares SNe 2019ein to SNe 2011fe, a well-observed core normal SNe Ia, allowing us to draw conclusions about the composition of 2019ein and the similarities between the two progenitor systems. We find that SN 2019ein had a dense shell and that the burning products of SNe 2011fe and 2019ein were very similar. Future work will clarify if there is a general relation between BL and CN groups.