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Study of Extremely High Velocity Outflows in the Most Luminous Quasar SMSS J215728

Presentation #112.01 in the session AGN and Quasars I.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Study of Extremely High Velocity Outflows in the Most Luminous Quasar SMSS J215728

Quasars are the most luminous type of active galactic nuclei. Some quasars show Extremely High Velocity Outflows (EHVO), which are those winds with speeds between 10%–20% the speed of light. These outflows have not been extensively studied before, and might be the most interesting for theoretical studies as they are some of the most powerful ones.

SMSS J215728, the most luminous quasar (z = 4.6) found to date, shows a very broad EHVO outflow in CIV in its spectra with a maximum speed of ~42000 km/s potentially blended with SiIV absorption at lower velocity. We apply previously developed codes, used in our search for EHVO outflows, together with new codes to normalize the spectra and measure the absorption of this massive outflow. We will present the results of the in-depth study of this quasar, that contributes to the search for EHVOs in luminous quasars.

We will also present the results of a parallel study we have carried out of the potential presence of EHVOs in quasars that also show ultrafast outflows in their spectra.

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