Presentation #112.03 in the session AGN and Quasars I.
I will present recent results on the Seyfert 2 galaxy NGC 4388, one of the 40 active galactic nuclei (AGN) of the Keck/OSIRIS nearby AGN survey (KONA). The integral-field data reveal the two-dimensional spatial distribution and kinematics of the molecular and ionized gas in NGC 4388. We found that the nearly edge-on galaxy exhibits a nuclear disk of molecular gas which has the same orientation of the maser disk. To the southwest, an extraplanar outflow of highly ionized gas is extended along a position angle (PA) of 35 degrees. The gradient of velocities of the outflow in the southwest show a helical structure with blueshifted and redshifted velocities observed at the same radial distance from the nucleus, which indicates precession of the kinematic major axis of the outflow. This symmetry is suggested to be the result of a precessing outflow, oriented by the orbital motion of a binary AGN or a precessing disk at the center of the system.