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Andromeda Analogs: Analyzing the Milky Way’s Strange Neighbor

Presentation #113.08 in the session Spiral Galaxies.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Andromeda Analogs: Analyzing the Milky Way’s Strange Neighbor

Due to a steeply-inclined viewing angle, it is difficult to estimate key morphological features of M31 with direct imaging. Analog galaxies, or galaxies that are near-twins to M31, can offer a clearer perspective. We use analog galaxy selections to gain an understanding of certain traits of M31 analog samples. We construct these samples using combinations of mass, star formation rate, and bulge-to-total ratio among other traits. We find that without the inclusion of T-Type morphology limits, the analog samples are dominated by early type galaxies. These samples are used to constrain the morphological traits of M31 analogs, and thus predict the morphology of M31 itself, using the probabilities in the Galaxy Zoo 2 catalog. We find that the more M31-like traits that are added to a sample selection, the likelier the selected galaxies are to contain a ring. We also find that the star formation rates of M31 and its analogs are low for the general population of spiral galaxies of M31’s mass. Due to this we explore the relationship between star formation rate and the presence of rings and other morphological substructures.

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