Presentation #139.03 in the session Galaxy Clusters/Large Scale Structure, Cosmic Distance — iPoster Session.
Intraclusterlight (ICL) is diffuse light from stars that are bound to the cluster potential, not to individual member galaxies. Understanding the formation mechanism of ICL provides critical information on the assembly and evolution of the galaxy cluster. Although there exist several competing models, the dominant production mechanism is still in dispute. The ICL measurement between z=1 and 2strongly constrains the formation scenario of the ICL because the epoch is when the first mature clusters begin to appear. However, the number of high-redshift ICL studies is small mainly because of observational challenges. In this study,based on deep HST WFC3/IR data, we measured ICL of 10 galaxy clusters at redshift beyond unity, which nearly doubles the sample size in this redshift regime. With careful handling of systematics including object masking, sky estimation, flatfielding, dwarf galaxy contamination, etc., we quantified the total amount of ICL, measured the color profile, and examined the transition between BCG and ICL.