Presentation #139.09 in the session Galaxy Clusters/Large Scale Structure, Cosmic Distance — iPoster Session.
We use a suite of DC2 simulated galaxy catalogs from the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time Dark Energy Science Collaboration (LSST DESC) to characterize miscentering properties in galaxy clusters identified by the redMaPPer optical cluster finder. We run our miscentering analysis on two DC2 catalogs—the cosmoDC2 catalog of simulated galaxies, and the DC2 DR6 full object catalog which includes observational effects such as blending, masking, and injected stars. Comparison of the two catalogs will allow us to study miscentering bias in a near-ideal case and in a more realistic observational scenario. By performing a multivariate analysis of observables, we characterize the miscentering biases from these catalogs and compare them to data and other simulations. Notably, this work presents different models to describe the offset distribution between cluster center and true halo center. The results of this work help us predict the miscentering properties for a LSST DESC near future survey as well as validate miscentering properties in the mock catalogs.