Presentation #201.04 in the session Star Clusters and Associations — iPoster Session.
In astronomy, one of the largest unanswered questions is: How does the Milky Way evolve chemically and dynamically? Of all the objects we could use to probe this question, open clusters in particular are ideal for exploring the evolution of the Milky Way disk because not only can we reliably determine the astrometric and chemical properties of the cluster, but we can also pin a reliable age to the cluster as well. Historically, assembling a statistically significant dataset of open clusters has proved to be challenging without inducing large systematic uncertainties by collecting data from multiple sources. The Open Cluster Chemical Abundance and Mapping (OCCAM) survey is a uniform dataset of open clusters that uses radial velocities and chemical abundances from SDSS / APOGEE DR17 and astrometry from Gaia eDR3. This most recent update to OCCAM (OCCAM VI) includes uniform data for 153 open clusters and 2061 member stars, which we use to further investigate the distribution and evolution of chemical abundances in the Milky Way.