Presentation #201.10 in the session Star Clusters and Associations — iPoster Session.
Intracluster globular clusters (IGCs) are a population of globular clusters bound to a galaxy cluster rather than to individual galaxies. They are the expected result of galaxy interactions throughout the lifetime of a cluster. Although they are difficult to detect, IGCs are an important population to understand because they provide valuable insights into the hierarchical assembly history of galaxy clusters. Abell 1060, also known as the Hydra cluster, is one of the nearest and largest rich cluster of galaxies in the local universe with a massive globular cluster system. We use the Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) archival images to study a panoramic view of the Hydra cluster, spatially complete past its virial radius and covering up to 1.8 degrees from the cluster center. From this, we obtain the widest survey of globular clusters in Hydra to date. We select IGC candidates as those with colors similar to galaxy globular cluster colors but at distances outside of regions dominated by galaxy potential. We find that there exists a large population of intracluster globular clusters that are not associated with any individual galaxy and outside of the region dominated by the globular cluster system of the central cD galaxy NGC 3311. We investigate this IGC population and study its distribution, extent, and relation with the bright red sequence and faint dwarf galaxies in Hydra. We discuss the origin of the IGC population in Hydra and provide comparison with the IGC populations found in other massive clusters. Thus, we present the largest study of the globular cluster system of Abell 1060.