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Follow-up Observations of Faint Short Period Variable Stars

Presentation #204.17 in the session Pulsating Variable Stars — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Follow-up Observations of Faint Short Period Variable Stars

The ATLAS survey is a program to detect nearby asteroids that could interact with the Earth. As part of that program, they find other potential variable objects. Their classification system for these variables includes two categories that might contain short period pulsating stars such as delta Scuti. From their PULS and MPUL groups we selected a faint set of targets in the range of 15-16.5 magnitude in the V filter. Using the 1.8-m telescope of the Dominion Astrophysical Observatory we obtained light curves for a sample of approximately 10 targets over the past year. We will present results comparing our observations with published periods and amplitudes in the ATLAS survey.

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