Presentation #205.06 in the session Binary Stellar System - iPoster Session.
CCD, BVRI light curves of V1063 Cas were taken on 15-18, 20, 31, October and 11-13, 14, 21 November, at the Dark Sky Observatory, Appalachian State University with the historical (installed 1981) 18” reflector, by Dan Caton, Ronald Samec, and Danny Faulkner. The variability of V1063 Cas was discovered in Northern Sky Variability Survey (NSVS, Wozniak et al., 2004, IBVS 5700). They reported an ephemeris of Min. I = 2451578.75215 + 0.6200 d*E, and identified the variable as TYC 4493-1966-1, and gave its position, d=01h 04m 47.254s, a=+70˚ 06’ 13.59”. It is classified as an EW contact variable with a V magnitude range of 11.2-12.0. Four times of low light were found in ASAS observations. Six times of minimum light are found in the literature. Our present observations, included one primary BVRI eclipse and three secondary eclipses. From these data, we determined the following linear and quadratic ephemerides,
JD Hel MinI = 2457310.7335±0.0004d + 0.62000902±0.0000013×E (1) and
JD Hel MinI = 2457310.7325±0.0004d + 0.62000990±0.00000019×E +0.000000000134± 0.000000000024×E2 (2).
Thus, from our 28.4-year period study, the orbital period is found to be increasing. This could be due to mass transfer making the mass ratio decrease (q=M2/M1). A Wilson-Devinney analyses reveals that the system is a W-type (less massive component is the hottest) W UMa binary with a fairly extreme mass ratio, q=0.8084±0.0007, 1/q=M1/M2=1.24). Its Roche Lobe fill-out is ~33%. No spot was needed in the solution. The temperature difference of the components is only ~16 K, with the more massive component as the slightly cooler one. The inclination is 73.7±0.1˚ so that no total eclipse was determined. A q-search was undertaken confirming the original solution. No third-light contribution or star spot was found. More information is given in this preliminary report.