Presentation #205.15 in the session Binary Stellar System - iPoster Session.
Stellar radio transients can be attributed to radio-emitting mechanisms including collimated jets and magnetic activity powered by energetic dynamos and chromospherically active binaries. We identified a sample of stellar radio transients in the Very Large Array Sky Survey (VLASS) brighter than 1 mJy in VLASS Epoch 2.1, but absent from Epoch 1.1, a footprint spanning 17,000 square degrees. We cross matched these transients with stars in Gaia EDR3 to identify those with a low chance association probability. Our angular resolution of ~2.5 arcseconds accompanied by the low areal density of transients decreases the likelihood of false associations with background sources, allowing us to identify a robust sample of stellar radio transients. This search is the largest blind search for stellar radio transients by volume. To elucidate the nature of these stellar radio transients, we identified infrared and X-ray counterparts from WISE and ROSAT while also obtaining Gaia properties and TESS lightcurves. The final sample consists of 35 stellar radio transients, including close binaries, young stellar objects, rapid rotators, and other classes of radio-emitting stars. Our sample will facilitate in-depth studies of radio-emitting systems, including young stellar objects and chromospherically active binaries, particularly with regards to the rate of the most energetic radio flares from these classes of objects.