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Status of the VERITAS-SII survey of Northern Hemisphere Hot Stars

Presentation #208.06 in the session Fundamental Properties I.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Status of the VERITAS-SII survey of Northern Hemisphere Hot Stars

The VERITAS Stellar Intensity Interferometer (VSII) is currently undertaking a igh angular resolution survey of 30+ bright northern hemisphere stars. VSII has the capability of measuring the submilliarcsecond stellar diameters of bright (mV=1-4), hot (O/B/A) stars at an effective wavelength of 416 nm with an accuracy better than 5% ( 5 hour exposure). From 12/2019-6/2021, VSII observed 251 hours of exposure on 39 different targets, including 21 single stars and 18 binary/multiple stars. These targets include range of spectral classifications and magnitudes, fast rotators, Cepheid variables, and binary/multiple star systems with short orbital periods (< 20 days). For the 2021-2022 observing season, VSII is concentrating on performing deeper observations of previously observed targets using improved instrumentation. In this talk I will describe recent improvements of the VSII observatory and the status of the VSII Northern Hemisphere survey.

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