Presentation #217.08 in the session Exoplanet Atmosphere Modeling and Dynamics.
Extending from the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC) cross-match that already formed part of the TESS Input Catalog (TIC), here we add a cross-match with the K2 Ecliptic Plane Catalog (EPIC) targets. The EPIC was constructed to support the K2 mission’s search for planets near the ecliptic, and roughly 360,000 objects from the EPIC were observed as targets in some capacity during the K2 mission. The TIC was constructed to support the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite (TESS) planet search over most of the sky, and consists of roughly ~500 million stars. The TIC includes object aliases in several other catalogs (including the Kepler Input Catalog), but does not explicitly include EPIC IDs. NExScI (NASA Exoplanet Science Institute) has supported the follow-up efforts of both K2 and TESS through the Exoplanet Follow-up Observing Program (ExoFOP), however K2 and TESS represented independent follow-up programs at NExScI, each based on their corresponding catalog. In line with broader goals to develop a single exoplanet follow-up site that can be used for the whole sky, we have been moving follow-up data hosted at ExoFOP and associated with Kepler and K2 to ExoFOP-TESS, using the TIC as our primary identification. In order to migrate the K2 data, we have had to match the roughly ~360,000 EPIC K2 targets to TIC IDs. We discuss that process, which has been carried out using a combination of extant cross-matched aliases as well as positions and magnitudes. This has allowed us to identify TIC matches for all but around ~6,000 targets, or greater than 98% of the EPIC objects that were K2 targets. In addition to underpinning the ExoFOP’s target curation, the final cross-match will also be made available from ExoFOP for the community to use.