Presentation #240.01 in the session Catalogs — iPoster Session.
Established in 1849, the Nautical Almanac Office (NAO) at the United States Naval Observatory has long been a source of worldwide standards for astronomical observation and celestial navigation. Each year, in collaboration with Her Majesty’s Nautical Almanac Office (HMNAO) in the United Kingdom, the NAO produces a series of annual publications for these purposes, as required by U.S. code. These include The Astronomical Almanac, The Nautical Almanac, and The Air Almanac, along with the more abbreviated Astronomical Phenomena.
The ever-changing landscape of astronomical research mandates that NAO and HMNAO continually undergo coordinated research and development for these publications, that they may maintain their status as a global standard reference. Updates to these publications are driven by IAU resolutions, newly available data, or improved astronomical constants. Here we discuss significant updates from the past few years and the availability of current products. We also preview some planned enhancements to the almanacs that are scheduled to be included in the coming years, including analysis of the upcoming integration of the DE440 JPL Solar System Ephemerides into our products.