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A resolved analysis of star-formation indicators at z~1 with UVCANDELS

Presentation #241.05 in the session Evolution of Galaxies — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
A resolved analysis of star-formation indicators at z~1 with UVCANDELS

The Ultraviolet Imaging of the Cosmic Assembly Near-infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey Fields (UVCANDELS) program provides UV imaging for four CANDELS fields (GOODS-N, GOODS-S, COSMOS and EGS). UVCANDELS covers a total of ~430 sq. arcminutes over the four fields with WFC3/F275W and ACS/F435W imaging reaching a 5-σ point-source depth of 27 AB and 28 AB respectively. Combining this UV imaging that probes the rest-frame 1500 Angstrom light for galaxies at z~1 with existing WFC3/G141 grism spectroscopy available from 3D-HST, we can directly compare two of the premier star-formation (SF) indicators: rest-UV and Ha. We present an analysis of the resolved maps of the rest-UV and Ha emission for z~1 galaxies and compare their star-formation properties as inferred from these two SF indicators that individually trace different timescales of SF activity. This comparison enables us to infer the resolved contribution of stochastic star-formation to the global growth of galaxies. We further discuss these results in the context of the predictions of resolved hydro-dynamical simulations.

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