Presentation #241.14 in the session Evolution of Galaxies — iPoster Session.
The LAGER project (Lyman Alpha Galaxies in the Epoch of Reionization) is the largest narrowband survey for the Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at redshift 7. LAGER has covered a solid angle of 24 square degrees and redshift 7 volume of 1.5e7 comoving Mpc3, with sensitivity of 1e-17 erg/cm2/s (corresponding to limiting Lyman alpha luminosity < 1e43 erg/sec). In this poster, we summarize the current status of the survey and highlights of its science results. These include spectroscopic confirmation of tens of galaxies near redshift 7; the most massive protocluster yet identified in the epoch of reionization; and new constraints on the neutral fraction in the intergalactic medium.