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UVCANDELS to Herschel: Complete spectral analysis of star-forming galaxies after the cosmic noon

Presentation #241.43 in the session Evolution of Galaxies — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
UVCANDELS to Herschel: Complete spectral analysis of star-forming galaxies after the cosmic noon

Recent star formation in galaxies produces strong UV emission that is absorbed by dust and re-emitted in the infrared. However, insufficient spectral range coverage typically limits a direct comparison of the UV and the IR for distant galaxies. In this work, we make use of HST UVCANDELS data in the F275W and F435W filters to measure the rest-frame UV emission of galaxies at intermediate redshift (0.5 < z < 2) in fields with the deepest HST/ACS and ground-based observations (optical), HST/WFC3 (near-IR), Spitzer (mid-IR) and Herschel (mid- and far-IR) data. The combination of these new UV observations with CANDELS ancillary data results in very complete UV-to-FIR spectral energy distributions (SEDs). Stellar population fitting of such complete SEDs allows the estimation of precise stellar masses and bolometric luminosities, while also breaking the dust-age degeneracy. These data will also provide more reliable estimations of galaxy star formation rates, ages, and dust extinction. We make use of this information to study the evolution of star formation and dust obscuration in distant star-forming galaxies after the cosmic noon.

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