Presentation #242.14 in the session Education Programs, Resources, and Research — iPoster Session.
The AAS Education committee is made up of around a dozen AAS members who volunteer to lead and organize education activities for the society. Members include formal and informal educators from K12, university settings, and research settings. Committee members serve for three years and are chosen each year from volunteers from the AAS membership. Current activities include managing the AAS Education & Professional Development (AAS-EPD) Mini-Grant Program (, the Education Committee Blog (, and the education portion of the AAS website. As of October 2021, there are two new co-chairs to the committee (Buxner and Masters) and we will continue to provide forums for feedback to the committee on new initiatives. Additionally, each winter we solicit new members to join the committee with a term to begin in March of that year.
The Education Committee wants to remind all AAS attendees that there are dedicated sessions for education at each AAS meeting. Every attendee is invited to submit an education abstract in addition to their science research abstract. We welcome contributions about instructional innovations, new activities, education research, and reports of outreach activities.
If you would like to get involved or join the committee, please reach out to either of the committee chairs ([email protected] or