Presentation #305.01 in the session Stars, Cool Dwarfs, Brown Dwarfs — iPoster Session.
We present a systematic search of transient sources at millimeter wavelength using data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope. ACT is a 6-meter off-axis telescope, aiming to measure the cosmic microwave background (CMB) intensity and polarization anisotropies with bands centered at 90, 150 and 220 GHz. The telescope scans around half of the entire sky with 1.4-arcmin resolution at 150 GHz. Three years of ACT data is used and separated into base units, each covering 3 days of observation. We start the search by detecting signals with SNR> 5 on the 3-day mean-subtracted maps. We then apply geometric data cut to remove spurious sources. The next step is to cross match the sources between frequency bands and arrays, so that each candidate that passes the cut is detected by at least two different arrays. The final candidate catalog contains over 100 candidates with the majority being repeated events. We study the light curves of the candidates to distinguish between real transient events and existing flux variable objects.