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Stellar Rotation in UCL/LCC with TESS

Presentation #305.10 in the session Stars, Cool Dwarfs, Brown Dwarfs — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Stellar Rotation in UCL/LCC with TESS

The TESS mission builds on recent progress achieved with K2 in probing stellar variability and stellar rotation to lower masses and lower amplitudes than has ever been done before. Younger stars are generally more rapidly rotating and have larger star spots than older stars of similar masses. K2’s large field of view was able to monitor a significant fraction of many nearby clusters and associations; some of the nearest associations can only be monitored by TESS, which observes ~85% of the sky. In this poster, we will present rotation rates from a TESS study of stars in the ~15 Myr old Upper Centarus-Lupus (UCL)/Lower Centaurus-Crux (LCC) association.

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