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Hall MHD in magnetar crusts with Landau-quantized electrons

Presentation #313.04 in the session Pulsars and Magnetars.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Hall MHD in magnetar crusts with Landau-quantized electrons

Magnetic field evolution of neutron star crusts is best described using the formalism of Hall magnetohydrodynamics (MHD). For magnetic fields ≥ 1014 G and typical temperatures for most of the lifetime of a magnetar, Landau quantization of electrons can significantly alter the crust’s thermodynamic and transport properties, with the formation of magnetic domains as one manifestation of this. I will describe how Landau quantization modifies Hall MHD oscillation modes and Ohmic dissipation due to non-zero magnetization. I will then discuss magneto-thermal evolution of neutron star crusts with reference to Hall MHD simulations including the combined effects of Landau quantization on the magnetization, electrical conductivity and thermal conductivity of the crustal electrons. Comparisons to simulations excluding these effects are used to assess their relative importance to the overall magneto-thermal history of magnetars.

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