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Determining the Detectability of Planets Transiting Stars of Extragalactic Origin

Presentation #339.02 in the session Exoplanet Transits II.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Determining the Detectability of Planets Transiting Stars of Extragalactic Origin

The search for planets orbiting other stars has recently expanded to include stars from galaxies other than the Milky Way. With the TESS and Gaia surveys, photometric and kinematic information can be combined to identify transiting planet candidates of extragalactic origin. Here, 1,080 low-luminosity red giant branch stars observed by Gaia and TESS with kinematics suggest a high likelihood of extragalactic origin were searched for planet transits. Transit injection-recovery tests were performed to measure the sensitivity of the TESS data and completeness of the transit search. Injected signals of planets larger than Jupiter with orbital periods of 10 days or less were recovered in ~44% of cases. Although no planet transits were detected in this sample, we find an upper limit on planet occurrence of 0.52% for hot Jupiter planets, consistent with previous studies of planet occurrence around similar host stars. As stars in the halo tend to be lower metallicity, and short period giant planet occurrence tend to be strongly correlated with stellar metallicity, we predict that relative to the Galactic disk population, a smaller fraction of halo stars will host planets detectable by transit surveys. Thus applying the known planet occurrence trends to potential planet detection around halo stars, we predict >13,000 stars must be searched with similar cadence and precision as the stars studied here before a detection of a planet of extragalactic origin is likely. This may be possible with future data releases from the TESS and Gaia missions.

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