Presentation #343.13 in the session Potpourri of Galaxies — iPoster Session.
We present new JVLA radio continuum C-Band and Ku-Band Observations for high-z galaxies SDSSJ0121, SDSSJ0124, SMMJ030227, and J020950 from the ZINGRS Radio Survey. The goal of this survey is to constrain the radio free-free emission of these galaxies and combine the free-free emission with infrared fine-structure line emission (e.g. [NII] 122 micron, [OIII] 88 micron) to constrain parameters such as the metallicity and star formation rates. We determine the thermal and non-thermal components of the radio continuum in our galaxies by expanding on previous work using a Monte Carlo Markov Chain fitting method. Specifically, we account for upper limits in our data and constrain the models based on priors from IR star formation rates.