Presentation #402.03 in the session Extrasolar Planet Atmospheres — iPoster Session.
mirror is a python package that simulates the performance capabilities of a given spectrometer in order to determine the likelihood of a hot Jupiter detection using reflected light. The user can input capabilities of their instrumental setup, such as resolution and location, and characteristics of the planetary system that they are trying to detect, such as apparent magnitude and star type, and the tool then returns the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of that exoplanet’s reflected light signature as a function of wavelength under these circumstances. The package has been tested using the specifications of the Keck Planet Finder (KPF), an ultra-high resolution spectrometer (R ~ 90,000). This software tool will be publicly available by the end of this year, and will help astronomers prioritize observation targets and streamline survey planning. It will be particularly useful in detecting hot Jupiter planets using the reflected light method, a method that could help us learn more about hot Jupiter atmospheric properties like albedo, clouds, and heat circulation.