Presentation #403.09 in the session Exoplanet Transits — iPoster Session.
We present the Timeseries Integrated Knowledge Engine (TIKE) Science Platform, a JupyterHub application for exploring data products and services from the Mikulski Archive for Space Telescopes (MAST). To make data more accessible, MAST hosts copies of several datasets — including millions of light curves and tens of thousands of full frame images — in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Registry of Open Data, where products are free to access. This allows for new approaches to scientific analysis, where users can more easily compute next to the data. To facilitate this, TIKE provides a user-friendly, Python-focused computing environment for engaging with these datasets, for both beginners and experts. Initially focused on Kepler, K2, and TESS, TIKE benefits include high data throughput between MAST data and TIKE computing, introductory documentation and tutorials, as well as a Python environment pre-installed with 20+ community software packages. These include both core software such as Astropy, Astroquery, and Matplotlib, plus timeseries-focused packages such as Everest, Lightkurve, and others.