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Modeling the Astrochemistry of Class 0/1 Protostars using Time-Dependent Dynamics: A Case-Study of L1527

Presentation #406.16 in the session Young Stellar Objects and T Tauri Stars — iPoster Session.

Published onJun 29, 2022
Modeling the Astrochemistry of Class 0/1 Protostars using Time-Dependent Dynamics: A Case-Study of L1527

In the early stages of star formation, a protostar is surrounded by an envelope of gas and dust. Over time, material from the protostellar envelope falls inward, accreting onto the protostar and protostellar disk. RadChemT is a code developed to model protostars in the class 0/I phase, which calculates both the radiative transfer and astrochemistry in a dynamical collapse model. RadChemT has been used to successfully model astrochemical abundances for the protostar L1527 (Flores-Rivera et. al. 2021), using a simplified assumption for time dependence. The aim of this research is to explore how these astrochemical abundances are impacted when integrating the physical conditions present at earlier times; namely, when temperatures are colder, and densities are lower. This effect originates from the dynamical flow of gas parcels along a streamline, and is separate from luminosity outbursts in the central protostar, which are known to affect abundances. Results of this research will be presented in the context of updates to the chemical modeling of L1527.

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