Presentation #103.02 in the session Promoting Open Science in Heliophysics and Space Science through Software.
Lowering the access barrier for Heliophysics model data in pursuit of open science, Kamodo is an open source Python toolkit used for access, analysis, and visualization of a number of data sources and model output. One specific use case is model-data comparison along a satellite trajectory comparing observed values with values extracted from model output at the satellite position. Kamodo has flythrough capability where an actual or virtual satellite trajectory can be flown through 4D model output (3D space + time) accurately interpolating in space and time. Satellite trajectories and data can be ingested into Kamodo using the HAPI interface to repositories such as CDAWeb and SSCWeb. The results can then be visualized in a variety of ways to highlight the model-data comparisons through interactive and sharable output. Analysis will be presented for flythrough of Earth’s magnetosphere simulations with relevant satellites as well as lower altitude ionosphere-thermosphere models. Note that models and data use a variety of relevant coordinate systems, which often hinders model-data analysis. Kamodo utilizes SpacePy and AstroPy to properly handle coordinate transformations. Output can be presented in any coordinate system available. We plan to demonstrate container and cloud based access to datasets in these examples to support open science.