Presentation #112.04 in the session Understanding Solar Eruptions Using Data-driven Models and Multi-height Observations of the Solar Atmosphere II — Poster Session.
We present magnetohydrodynamic simulations of the evolution from quasi-equilibrium to onset of eruption of a twisted, prominence-forming coronal magnetic flux rope underlying a corona streamer. We find the formation of a prominence-cavity system with qualitative features resembling SDO/AIA EUV observations. The cavity contains substructures including a “U”-shaped or horn-like feature extending from the prominence enclosing a central “cavity” on top of the prominence. The flux rope eventually erupts as it rises quasi-statically to a critical height for the onset of the torus instability producing a CME with associated prominence eruption. In our simulations we also excite large amplitude longitudinal oscillations of the prominence during the quasi-static phase and study the resulting effects in coronal cavity observations. We carry out forward modeling of the circular polarization observations of coronal emission lines by the proposed COronal Solar Magnetism Observatory (COSMO) Large Coronagraph (LC) and show how they can be used to diagnose the non-potentiality of the cavity coronal magnetic field and indicate the readiness for eruption.