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The Effect of Large-scale Turbulence on Energetic Particle Profiles across Interplanetary Shocks

Presentation #114.03 in the session Suprathermal Particles and their Importance to Understanding Energetic Particles — Poster Session.

Published onOct 20, 2022
The Effect of Large-scale Turbulence on Energetic Particle Profiles across Interplanetary Shocks

Energetic particles are often observed in the vicinity of interplanetary shocks. These traveling interplanetary shocks are believed to be the main accelerators of the energetic particles. However, many energetic particle profiles across interplanetary (IP) shocks are not consistent with the 1-D time-steady DSA solution. Previous research has found several different types of energetic particle enhancement associated with IP shocks, categorized as classic, spiky, classic+spiky and step. In this study, we carry out numerical simulations of energetic particle motion at collisionless shocks passing through a turbulent magnetic field. We find that several types of energetic particle profiles can be reproduced in our simulations. We also consider how the peak time of energetic particles varies relative to the shock passage. The implications to energetic particle acceleration at interplanetary shocks will be discussed.

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