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The Virtual Solar Observatory: Newly Implemented Data Providers and Services

Presentation #119.03 in the session Promoting Open Science in Heliophysics and Space Science through Software — Poster Session.

Published onOct 20, 2022
The Virtual Solar Observatory: Newly Implemented Data Providers and Services

The Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO) provides convenient access to dozens of Heliophysics data sources via a consistent user interface. We provide an update on the latest VSO developments. We describe methods to access new data from recently added Data Providers to the Virtual Solar Observatory (VSO). We detail WISPR data from encounters 8 & 9 of Parker Solar Probe, EUI data from Solar Orbiter, data from the two balloon flights of SUNRISE, MinXSS-1 & 2 data, Hα data from the Osservatorio Astrofisico in Catania and the level 1 & 2 data from the Hinode Solar Optical Telescope (SOT). Examples of using the VSO IDL/Solar Soft and SunPy clients to access these new datasets are given. We outline an upcoming Data Provider for DKIST, a new ground based solar telescope. We illustrate the use of ASDF and HDF5 files as containers to hold meta-data, and how they can be used to deliver new VSO functionality. A new health report of all the current Data Providers in the VSO will be presented. Finally, the overall usage of the VSO for queries and downloads, on a per-Data Provider basis, using a newly developed Catalyst-based application, will be shown.

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