Presentation #125.07 in the session General Topics: Solar — Poster Session.
Recent Hinode/SOT and IRIS SJI observations provide ample evidence of small-scale propagating features and flows of cool material in solar prominence feet. We develop an idealized 3D visco-resistive MHD model of a prominence foot (pillar). The model includes the 3D structure of the high-density, low-temperature prominence foot embedded in the million-degree magnetized corona. The 3D MHD nonlinear model results of the propagating oscillations demonstrate the effects of mode coupling and the propagating density compressions associated with the linear and nonlinear fast magnetosonic waves. The guided damped fast magnetosonic waves, together with density compressions, and currents are reproduced in the 3D pillar structure. We consider both, uniform (potential) and non-force free background magnetic fields, and demonstrate the dynamic effects of the background Lorentz force in the non-force-free field on the evolution of the prominence pillar structure, wave propagation and wave leakage. The 3D MHD modeling results are used to simulate the line-of-sight and plane of the sky (POS) projection effects in limb prominence oscillations observations. The insights gained from the 3D MHD modeling are useful for improving coronal seismology of prominence structures using small-scale magnetosonic wave activity.