Presentation #125.33 in the session General Topics: Solar — Poster Session.
Active regions (ARs), areas on the sun with strong magnetic flux, are good indicators of where harmful space weather may originate. In order to better prepare for these phenomena, it is important to be able to predict how flux on the Sun evolves over time. Dopplergrams from the Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager instrument on the Solar Dynamics Observatory are used for helioseismic analysis. From these helioseismic data, far-side phase maps are created to indicate where the magnetic field is concentrated on the far side of the Sun (Zhao et al, 2019). These phase maps have improved our knowledge of ARs that emerge and evolve on the far side of the Sun, however these maps sometimes produce false positives. Here we investigate the detection uncertainty of ARs located using helioseismic phase maps. We adapt codes to create a catalog of ARs in both combined STEREO A/B maps and the helioseismic phase maps, calculating AR properties such as size, disk location, and EUV flux strength. We then compare the ARs found in each data set between 2011 to 2014 and determine the accuracy of the ARs identified in the helioseismic phase maps. The initial statistical analysis looks at the total false/true positives/negatives. We then delve into various information that may affect the error. We determine how accuracy is impacted by, e.g., AR size, distance to the disk center, and amplitude of helioseismic detection of the ARs. Through these analyses, we determine the AR detection uncertainty of the far-side helioseismic data.