Presentation #202.06 in the session Observing and Inferring Solar Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields I.
Measurement of the magnetic field throughout the solar atmosphere is crucial to a quantitative understanding of energy transfer from the photosphere to the corona, as well as for the dissipation of magnetic energy. However, there remains an overwhelming insufficiency of magnetic measurements in the upper chromosphere and above, where the magnetic pressure becomes increasingly dominant over the gas pressure (β < 1).
In 2019, the CLASP2 sounding rocket experiment conducted high-precision spectropolarimetric observations in the near ultraviolet around 280 nm including the Mg ii h and k and Mn i lines, and, combined with the photospheric magnetic field measurement by Hinode, revealed expanding flux tubes in a plage region (Ishikawa et al. 2021).
On October 8, 2021, we re-flew the CLASP2 payload from White Sands Missile Range with a modified observing program to further demonstrate the diagnostic capability of UV spectropolarimetry, and the potential for development into a satellite observatory. During the reflight, called “CLASP2.1”, the spectrograph slit was scanned across an active region plage to acquire a two-dimensional map of the Stokes profiles, to demonstrate the ability of UV spectropolarimetry to yield chromospheric magnetic fields over a large area. Both Hinode and IRIS satellite observatories provided co-temporal observations of the target. This presentation will display preliminary results from the flight of CLASP2.1.