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Inverting the coronal vector magnetic field using polarimetric observations.

Presentation #205.03 in the session Observing and Inferring Solar Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields II.

Published onOct 20, 2022
Inverting the coronal vector magnetic field using polarimetric observations.

We present an algorithm capable of inverting coronal vector magnetic field information from observations of polarized light. The Coronal Line Emission DataBase inversion (CLEDB) implements two branches that can process full Stokes IQUV spectro-polarimetric observations of one or two coronal emission lines.

The 1-line branch uses analytical approximations to derive line of sight integrated magnetic field products. When posing an inversion problem, the second branch allows for more degrees of freedom enabling us to break intrinsic degeneracies. Thus, by utilizing 2-line Stokes observations, we recover the 3D magnetic fields and volumetric locations of emitting structures for single-point voxels. The database theoretical calculations gain intrinsic access to otherwise non-observable input parameters, e.g. atomic alignment, that can be used to break inherent degeneracies encountered when attempting analytical inversions like in the 1-line case.

We additionally explore separating the problem of inverting coronal vector magnetic fields into two parts: i. Disentangling the magnetic field orientation by using the newly developed CLEDB framework; ii. Estimate the magnetic field strength via magnetically-induced Doppler plasma oscillations.

The goal of robustly resolving vector coronal magnetometry has been hard to achieve. The need for inverting magnetic fields from solar spectro-polarimetric observations is crucial, as the next generation of coronal capable instruments like DKIST Cryo-NIRSP, DL-NIRSP, and UCOMP will become operational.

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