Presentation #210.06 in the session Solar X-ray and VUV Spectra: Observation, Modeling and Planetary Atmospheric Impacts II.
A two-temperature, two-emission (2T2EM) measure model is fit to MinXSS-1 daily averaged solar soft X-ray (SXR) spectra between 0.5 and 30 keV. When plotted against the daily F10.7 flux value of the same day it is shown that each temperature and emission measure has a linear correlation to F10.7 flux. The linear trends of the two temperatures have close to zero slope, meaning the two daily average temperatures that describe the coronal plasma, 1.70 and 5.16 MK, are essentially independent of solar intensity. The emission measure has a positive correlation with F10.7 flux and increases as solar intensity increases. From the F10.7 flux alone, this model can predict the two temperatures and two emission measures that describe the coronal plasma and output a model of its SXR spectrum. These model spectra are shown to agree with MinXSS-1 and DAXSS spectra but are not limited to the energy ranges of these detectors. To further validate this model, the irradiance of each spectra between 1 and 8 Angstroms (1.55–12.40 keV) is calculated and compared with the measured daily average irradiance from GOES XRS-B 1-8 Angstrom detector. The ratio between the modeled irradiance and measured irradiance is shown to be close to unity on average.