Presentation #403.01 in the session General Topics V — Solar.
Magnetic field switchbacks are discovered to be ubiquitous in the solar wind using in-situ data from Parker Solar Probe (PSP). Several scenarios have been proposed in theoretical studies to explain the origin of these switchbacks, among which the small-scale activities in the solar atmosphere are plausible drivers, directly or secondarily. Meanwhile, Fargette et al. (2021) studied the temporal and spatial scale of switchbacks, and suggested their relationship with granulation and supergranulation of the sun. The statistical properties of the small-scale energy release events would be important to measure their eligibility as candidate of switchback source. We survey small-scale ejections, such as coronal jets and mini-filament eruptions, at and near the boundaries of coronal holes. Full disk extreme ultraviolet (EUV) images and Hα far bluewing images are used to identify the activities in the corona and chromosphere, respectively. We will report the statistical distribution of latitude, lifetimes and occurrence frequencies of these activities observed during the PSP Encounters 4, 5 and 8, and compair them to the switchbacks patches in corresponding period.