Presentation #407.04 in the session Understanding Solar Eruptions Using Data-driven Models and Multi-height Observations of the Solar Atmosphere I.
One of the most informative and precise ways to study solar eruptions is MHD simulations. However, full-MHD simulations of eruptions with time-dependent observation-based boundaries (the so-called data-driven simulations) can be computationally expensive. We combine the data-driven magnetofrictional approach and MHD simulations to analyse the evolution of active region NOAA 11158 that produced an X-class flare and coronal mass ejection on Feb 15, 2011. We use the magnetofrictional code within the Coronal Global Evolutionary Model (CGEM) framework to simulate the evolution of the active region from the magnetic flux emergence on the photosphere until the formation of a magnetic flux rope at coronal heights before the eruption, with the boundary conditions determined with the PDFI_SS method. After that, we use the Magnetic Flux Eruption code to calculate the subsequent MHD evolution of the obtained pre-eruptive coronal magnetic configuration. We present details of these combined simulations and discuss the results. In our simulations, we obtain the eruption of the magnetic flux rope and find good agreement of the simulated flare ribbons with SDO/AIA observations, which reveals multiple magnetic reconnection processes occurring at coronal heights.