Presentation #407.08 in the session Understanding Solar Eruptions Using Data-driven Models and Multi-height Observations of the Solar Atmosphere I.
We present data-driven MHD simulation of the evolution of Active Region (AR) 11158, using lower boundary driving electric fields inferred from the time sequence of vector magnetograms observed by the SDO/HMI over five days. The lower boundary is driven with the horizontal component of the PDFI_SS electric field (Fisher et al. 2020), and an additional twisting electric field derived based on the vertical electric current measured from the vector magnetograms. Our simulation shows the build-up of a coronal magnetic field with significant free magnetic energy and strongly sheared, sigmoid shaped loops above the PIL of the central delta-sunspot, showing morphology like that observed. The simulation also shows the development of a set of homologous eruptions. We discuss the structure of the erupting 3D coronal magnetic field and the mechanisms for the onset of the eruptions.