Presentation #102.05 in the session Formation of Planets and Satellites.
Rocky planets both in and outside of our solar system are observed to have a range of core-mass fractions (CMFs). Imperfect collisions can preferentially strip mantle material from a planet, changing its CMF, and are therefore thought to be the most likely cause of this observed CMF variation. However, previous work that implements these collisions into N-body simulations of planet formation has struggled to reliably form high CMF super-Earths. In this work, we specify our initial conditions and simulation parameters to maximize the prevalence of high-energy, CMF-changing collisions in order to form planets with highly diverse CMFs. High-energy collisions have a large vimp/vesc ratio, so we maximize this ratio by starting simulations with high-eccentricity and inclination disks to increase the difference in their orbital velocities, maximizing vimp. Additionally, we minimize vesc by starting with small embryos. The final planets experience more high-energy, debris-producing collisions, and experience significant CMF change over their formation. However, we find that a number of processes work together to average out the CMF of a planet over time, therefore we do not consistently form high-CMF, high mass planets. We do form high-CMF planets below 0.5 MEarth. Additionally, we find that in these highly eccentric environments, loss of debris mass due to collisional grinding has a significant effect on final planet masses and CMFs, resulting in smaller planets and a higher average planet CMF. This work highlights the importance of improving measurements of high-density planets to better constrain their CMFs.