Presentation #211.04 in the session We Know the Way: Future Missions, Instruments, Facilities (iPosters).
The 2.4m Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope is NASA’s next flagship astrophysics mission, with launch planned for no later than July 2027 and an operational baseline of five years. Roman is a primarily survey mission by-design, with the majority of the prime mission dedicated to three core surveys: the High Latitude Time Domain Survey, the High Latitude Wide Area Survey, and the Galactic Bulge Time Domain Survey. Approximately 25% of mission time will be dedicated to General Astrophysics Survey observations which allow for PI’s to extend the science of the core surveys or explore how the telescope could be utilized in other fields, such as solar system science. The Wide Field Instrument (WFI) is the central engine for the core surveys, with comparable sensitivity and resolution to Hubble, but with a field of view (FOV) 100 times larger which offers unique opportunities to study the larger environments around the giant planets and inventory small bodies in the outer solar system. The Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI) is the Science Operations Center (SOC) for Roman, with leadership over the mission’s scheduling, archive, and most WFI-imaging related systems (including data processing, calibration, user support). Our abstract will highlight resources available from the Roman SOC which can be used for preparatory Roman science explorations into the capabilities of the WFI across a range of science topics. We will present how resources like the exposure time calculator, a FOV overlay tool, and an image simulator can be used to support the core surveys and demonstrate applications by the planetary science community.