Presentation #501.09 in the session Objects on the Edge (of our Solar System).
We report the discovery of over 140 new Kuiper Belt Objects (KBOs), many discovered at distances beyond 50 au. This survey provides a unique probe of the structure of the distant solar system as well as generating new targets for remote sensing observation from New Horizons. These detections were enabled by the use of a novel machine learning approach to overcome the extremely dense stellar background that had limited the depth of previous searches. We will discuss the viability of the nominal model of the Kuiper derived from the Outer Solar System Origins Survey (OSSOS) as tested using these new observations that probe deeper into the solar system than previously achieved. We utilized the OSSOS Survey Simulator to compare the Subaru Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) survey discoveries to the OSSOS nominal model. These distant detections, and our careful characterization, allow us to present upper limits on the sizes of as yet unseen structures in the distant solar system.