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An Analysis of Radio AGN Plasma Ages Calibrated Using Magneto-Hydrodynamic Jet Simulations

Presentation #100.55 in the session AGN.

Published onJul 01, 2023
An Analysis of Radio AGN Plasma Ages Calibrated Using Magneto-Hydrodynamic Jet Simulations

Radio AGN (RAGN) commonly include radio jets that may distribute energy throughout their host galaxy, potentially contributing to quenching of the galaxy’s star formation. The timescales the jets act on are difficult to ascertain, and we present a technique used to date the plasma in the jets based on the spectral energy distribution of the synchrotron emission. We use the spectral aging method, where high energy particles which leave the jet fill the lobes and slowly lose energy via synchrotron radiation and inverse-compton mechanisms proportional to time. To calibrate this technique, we compare numerical simulations of AGN with both active and inactive jets with a sample of RAGN - observed using the uGMRT and from surveys including NVSS, TGSS, and WENSS - in various phases of AGN activity to test the efficacy of our approach. We simulate a range of jet powers and environmental conditions, ranging from isolated galaxies to dense clusters, that match the envelope of our observational sample. The calibrations derived from the simulations will lead to a better understanding of the systematic uncertainties in our age results to correct the observation-derived ages. We present the age analysis of the simulations.

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