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Electron-beam enabled optics

Presentation #103.62 in the session Missions and Instruments.

Published onJul 01, 2023
Electron-beam enabled optics

Custom, large-format astronomical gratings are needed for future space observatories, as further emphasized by the 2020 NASA decadal survey priorities. Their design requires (nano-)fabrication methods that are becoming increasingly complex. Amongst the many challenges, aberration-control for future gratings requires the need to patterning non-parallel grooves on flat substrates or curved substrates. Electron-beam (e-beam) lithography is one of the better-suited techniques to create these complex patterns. Subsequent processes usually involve some form of etching that enables high efficiency and/or high spectral resolution gratings to be manufactured. We will discuss previous and current projects taking place at the Penn State Nanofabrication Lab encompassing a wide range of e-beam enabled optics such as X-ray and (E)UV gratings, curved gratings, and Fresnel zone plates.

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