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Performance of large format, high frame-rate, x-ray CCDs

Presentation #103.76 in the session Missions and Instruments.

Published onJul 01, 2023
Performance of large format, high frame-rate, x-ray CCDs

We are characterizing high-frame-rate, low-power X-ray CCDs developed at MIT Lincoln Laboratory for future strategic missions which will require fast, large-format detectors to take advantage of high spatial resolution optics in an era of wide-field, multi-messenger survey science. These devices incorporate two new technologies already demonstrated in small devices: a single-polysilicon gate structure enabling efficient, low-power charge transfer, and a low-noise pJFET output amplifier capable of < 3 electrons RMS noise. We report noise, spectral resolution, and charge transfer efficiency measurements running at horizontal transfer rates up to 2 MHz at energies from 277 eV to 5.9keV over a range of device temperatures.

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