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Integral Field Spectroscopy of 13 Tidal Disruption Event Host Galaxies from the ZTF Survey

Presentation #117.21 in the session Time-Domain Astrophysics.

Published onJul 01, 2023
Integral Field Spectroscopy of 13 Tidal Disruption Event Host Galaxies from the ZTF Survey

Tidal disruption event (TDE) host galaxies have been shown to have peculiar properties, including high central concentrations, unusual star-formation and merger histories, and green colors. Previous work has shown that these large-scale galaxy properties likely serve to boost the TDE rates within the nuclei of these galaxies and understanding these properties is thus crucial to understanding the mechanisms that trigger TDEs. We have obtained Keck Cosmic Web Imager (KCWI) integral field spectroscopic observations of 13 TDE hosts across all TDE spectral classes from the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF ) survey. These observations provide the opportunity to investigate host galaxy properties as a function of galaxy radius and to isolate nuclear stellar populations in order to better understand the characteristics of TDE host galaxies and the mechanisms that trigger these events. We present an analysis of this data, including an investigation of the stellar populations and the kinematics of the hosts, and use the measured velocity dispersion to derive the central black hole mass.

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