Presentation #201.02 in the session Recent Advances in Pulsar Wind Nebulae.
One of the more surprising astrophysical results of the last few years has been the discovery of a leptonic population of gamma-ray sources emitting above ~100 TeV. This emission is typically extended in nature and appears to be a universal feature near the most powerful pulsars. I will present recent results on ultra-high-energy PWN observed by the High Altitude Water Cherenkov (HAWC) Observatory, which is an array of water Cherenkov Detectors located in Puebla, Mexico. HAWC has a high duty cycle (95%) and wide field-of-view (~2 sr) which makes it an optimal instrument for continuously monitoring the sky. The HAWC Collaboration recently finished re-reconstructing years of collected data with updated algorithms that increase the sensitivity of the experiment at the highest energies. These improvements have led to the discovery of more ultra-high-energy sources.