Presentation #203.03 in the session MeV and friends: Gamma-ray astronomy in the context of time-domain and multi-messenger science.
Multimessenger astronomy with gravitational waves (GWs) is still in its infancy with only one, albeit spectacular, unambiguous EM counterpart observed across the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum from the merger of a binary neutron star system. The near-term future of EM+GW opportunities is bright (and loud) as existing gravitational wave observatories continue to improve in sensitivity, and new facilities come on line to broaden our access to the GW spectrum. This talk will survey the near- and medium-term future of possible EM+GW observations, including the imminent fourth observing run (O4) of the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA network and the multimessenger powerhouse that will be the LISA mission.