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Best Practices for Data Publication to Advance Open Science

Presentation #313.03 in the session Highlighting Open Science Success Stories and Challenges from Researchers and Community.

Published onJul 01, 2023
Best Practices for Data Publication to Advance Open Science

We present an overview of “Best Practices for Data Publication in the Astronomical Literature” (Chen et al. 2022, ApJS, 260, 5) in context of advancing open science. The recommendations provide a reference for authors to help prepare and publish data in a way that will better represent science results while also supporting the FAIR principles of data findability, accessibility, interoperability, and reuse. Links to the Best Practices have recently been incorporated by major journal publishers (AAS, MNRAS, and PASP) into their instructions for authors. Broad implementation of these recommendations in conjunction with related guidelines from the International Astronomical Union (IAU) and International Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) for publication of nomenclature, data, and metadata will improve the scientific record, enhance reusability of data, and help streamline ingestion into archives accurately and efficiently to facilitate new modes of open science discovery.

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